I’ve been following the Learn to Sew Series by Amber from Crazy Little Projects. Already, in lesson #1, we’ve learned how to sew a straight line and created some great Designer Dustcloths!
Amber’s lesson #2 walks us through the use of the zig-zag stitch which apparently has lots of great uses including finishing raw edges, applique and button holes. Her step by step instructions are easy to follow and make the mysteries of the sewing machine not so mysterious.
Homework for lesson #2 was to make a hooded bath towel and Amber was kind enough to point the direction to her great tutorial on hooded bath towels. Now, I do not have any kids in the house, and no grandkids in the near future, and all my friends are well past that point too, but I wanted to make a hooded bath towel. And then I just happened to look down…
I could make a hooded towel for Ralph! Next bath he gets will certainly be in style! You’d like that, right Ralph?
I looked on Amber’s site and discovered that she is a master of hooded towels. In fact, she has a whole series of them.
Wouldn’t a set of different animal hooded towels like these make a great baby shower gift? I decided to make the dragon hooded towel for Ralph.
Amber’s tutorial is easy to follow and in no time I had a sweet little dragon hooded towel, and practiced my zig zag stitch at the same time!
Be sure to check out the Learn to Sew Series at Crazy Little Projects. This week is lesson #3, Turning and Topstitching.
What do I mean by turning? Very often when you are sewing you are going to put the right sides together, stitch them and turn them right side out. That’s how you sew something without getting a raw seam on the outside. You’re going to use it all the time. And topstitching is a great way to make your edges look finished.
To practice our new turning and topstitching skills this week, Amber is offering us two projects to choose from:
We can go with the Reversible Messenger Bag or the DIY Ear Warmer Headband. Don’t you just love the fabric she used for that bag? I’m going to have a hard time choosing my project this week. Love that bag, but wouldn’t that ear warmer look great on Ralph? Hmmm….
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