Commercial Break Thursday- Promote Yourself! Linky List

The winner of the Ukrainian Egg has been decided.  As a precautionary measure, two complete sets of envelopes bearing the recipient’s name are prepared and brought by the two PricewaterhouseCoopers partners to my website via separate, secret routes.  As a secondary precautionary measure, the PricewaterhouseCoopers partners also memorize the name of the egg winner.  The identity of the egg recipient is kept strictly confidential until it is announced during my blog telecast, during which the partners remain backstage and hand the envelope to me immediately before I go online. 

….okay, so I used a random number generator that I found on the web.  Anyway, our winner of the Ukrainian egg is Megan from FowlSingleFile.  Congratulations, Megan!!!

This week, I am going to offer a linky list to promote you or your etsy site.  Please feel free to link up your main page of your blog or the main page of your etsy shop.  That way we can all get a little self-promotion in.  A little bit of advertising never hurts.  Especially free advertising!  Rules are as follows:

1- Link either your main blog page or your Etsy shop.  You can link both.  I love me some links…
2- Please try to remember to grab my button from the sidebar.  I totally like seeing my TV out there.  It makes me smile.
3- Try to take a few moments to visit some of the other links and show them some love.
4- Have fun!

If this takes off, next week I will feature one of you and offer the linky list again.  So get linking!!