Lampshades made with Coffee Filters!

Coffee Filter Lampshade by Lampada #Etsy

While perusing the internet, I am often drawn to “green” crafts.  Those that are created by recycling or upcycling items.  In fact, that is the subject matter of my other blog, Totally Green Crafts.

Vilma Farrell from New York, specializes in creating beautiful lampshades from recycled coffee filters.  She dyes each coffee filter in a different color (red, green, blue and yellow) using acrylic paint water based. The coffee filters are glued to a frame that she handcrafts with wire cloth. The mix of colors creates a beautiful and artistic design. Truly unique!

Coffee Filter Lampshade by Lampada #EtsyCoffee Filter Lampshade by Lampada #Etsy

Beautiful, aren’t they?  And this is just a small taste of what Vilma offers in her Etsy shop, Lampada!

Buying handmade means supporting individual artists rather than large mass production.  It also means higher quality, and great customer service.  Etsy offers many ways to purchase, and the convenience of ordering on line. Take advantage of the sales currently going on Etsy, and be sure to swing by Lampada to check out some of the other great creations by this amazing artist!

PS: This was not a sponsored post.  This artist just makes me smile!