Guess what? I put together a cool Aluminum Butterfly Suncatcher tutorial for you to hang on your rear view mirror! Because a cool car needs a cool suncatcher, right?
When I originally went car shopping a few years ago, I had in mind a four door family model. Something that gets great gas mileage and didn’t really stand out in the crowd. And then I ran across a cute VW Bug and that was it. I needed that car.
Despite the fact that the husband’s head touches the ceiling, and he feels very much like it is a girly car, we bought it. And recently, it has been upgraded to our only car- a tow vehicle to our RV! So, I needed to pretty it up some. With that in mind, I came up with a fun recycled craft suncatcher!
For this project I used:
3 aluminum disposable pans (you can find them at your local grocery store)
E6000 Glue (made for metal or glass)
Butterfly Pattern
Small piece of wire
Small piece of fishing line
Begin by cutting the aluminum pans into 1/4″ strips. They don’t have to be perfectly even, I did not use a ruler to measure them. (Be careful as the metal is sharp. You may want to use gloves).
Since we are now living full time in our RV, this is my new craft room!
Roll each metal strip into a coil. I did quite a few round ones, and some tear shaped ones where I just pinched the end. You will need a good mix of both.
This is the result of one pan of coils. It took about 2 and a half pans to create this particular butterfly.