16 Gifts in a Jar Recipes plus 60 more!

A fun gift to put together that your friends and relatives will love is a gift in a jar, containing the ingredients for a yummy recipe!  These pretty jars are easy to make, and you can decorate them anyway you like!  I am showcasing here 16 gifts in a jar recipes and also have links to 60 more!  Lots to choose from for a creative gift idea that your friends and family will love!


So let’s go make a gift!

Mason Jars were produced for canning peaches and pickles. Now these versatile glass jars found in most grocery stores are increasingly being used for homemade gifts! The jars, sold by the dozen for quart-size, cost less than $1 a piece.

But don’t just stop at Mason jars!  You can recycle other jars too!  How about pickle jars, pasta jars, or other fun shaped glass jars?

Mini Grasshopper Pies in a Jar from Show Tell Share

Peanutty PB Cup Peanut Butter Cookies from Betty Crocker

Once the dry ingredients are included in the jar, half the fun is decorating the outside!  Include the recipe on the jar so that your recipient can have fun putting together the ingredients and creating a homemade snack.

Reindeer Trail Mix Cookies from Food Marriage

Sitcom 2 step option

Punk Rock Cookie Jar Mix from Post Punk Kitchen

Multigrain Chicken Soup from Our Bower

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