Meet the Bloggers – “My most embarrassing moment”

Welcome to my new series, “Meet the Bloggers”!  About once a month, I plan on introducing you to some of my favorite bloggers.  And what better way to get to know them than to ask them a personal question!   This month’s question is, “Tell us about your most embarrassing moment“.  And believe it or not, there were a few brave bloggers out there willing to tell us about it!

Just to show that I’m game, I’ll tell you about my most embarrassing moment.  Of course if you read my blog, you already know about the underwear incident, the jello in the bra debacle, and the motorcycle issue.  I don’t lie when I say my life is a sitcom.  Here is my most recent incident…

I had been incredibly ill for several weeks and was finally recovering from a bout of the flu.  I carpool with my husband every day to work, and was using the drive to catch up on some sleep on the way in.  In no time, I was sound asleep in the passenger seat of our little VW.

Every day, without fail, my husband pulls into Dunkin Donuts for his morning coffee. Apparently, as we sat at the drive-through window while he paid, and got his coffee; both he and the lady at the drive-through were thoroughly entertained by my loudly whistling nose.  

So loud in fact, that the woman had to call her co-workers over to enjoy the show.  

I have since reminded my husband numerous times that a gallant husband would have elbowed me awake and defended my honor.  He is still laughing…


Equipping Catholic Families

Monica from Equipping Catholic Families founded a Catholic apostolate called Arma Dei, creating solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith.  Monica likes to find activities and crafts that kids like to do and convert them to be Catholic.  Her blog incorporates all that along with family building ideas and traditions and lots of great crafty ideas, like this cool Plinko game called Plinko with the Saints!

I have always been squeamish. I’ve given birth to many babies, survived diabetic pregnancies, complete with self-administered insulin shots and about a gazillion blood tests, but no, I haven’t outgrown my fear of needles. I have removed splinters, administered medicine, wrestled eye drops into clenched eyes, cleaned wounds, treated rashes, bandaged gaping holes, cleaned up 5 kids’ share of diapers and stomach flu…but I still feel myself sliding off my chair when medical conditions or treatments are described.

I was a grade 10 student judging a grade 6 science fair project at a regional competition. I was already a somewhat self-conscious teen, with braces and unfortunate cow-licked bangs in my school uniform kilt and quiet voice. Seconds after the two eager grade 6-ers enthusiastically described some medical condition (maybe kidney failure… and more specifically dialysis treatment?) and something about blood and veins, I woke up with a jolt on the floor of the gym.

I was surrounded by a small crowd of grade schoolers and not a small number of my high school peers, relieved to see that my best friend had taken over my judging responsibility as I recovered from my first and only fainting spell.  My friends know better than to talk about medical or biological things while I’m driving, that’s for sure. ~Monica

Condo Blues

Condo Blues is  a green living, craft, diy and decor blog created by Lisa  Nelsen-Woods.  Lisa says, “I use everything from a sewing machine to a jackhammer to make my condo stylish and green on a budget. I’m cursed with a design style that is bigger than my wallet”.  Lisa is also the author of the food blog, Lazy Budget Chef.

The number one embarrassing moment from my personal Top 10 has to be when I accidentally mooned my husband’s boss!  My husband’s nice and wonderful boss brought his family to the Renaisssance Festival where my husband and I performed on summer weekends.  At the time I played the Mayor’s jester. I appliqued a footprint to the seat of my bloomers as part of my costume. When the Lord Mayor threatened me with a “boot to the head'” when I did something silly and jesterish, I replied by flipping my skirt to show the bootmark on my backside and reply “you miss!”

I called it The Lord Mayor’s Seal of Disapproval.

Since I wore the bloomers over my modern undergarments and two skirts on top of that, I did this bit without any danger of showing real skin or undies for years. Except the time we performed the bit for my husband’s boss. After years of wrestling with four layers of clothing when using porta potties that turn into a sweat box on 90 degree summer days, I thought I had the technique of covering everything back up as it should be after the fact by feel. Except on that fateful day.

Layer one didn’t go back in place because it was so sweaty it stuck to my skin (gross I know.) The elastic waist on my bloomers decided to sag and give way but since it was such a hot day stuck in place to my skin when I thought I pulled it up to my waist. The top two skirts were as they should be which made me think all of the layers where good to go. Nope.

I see my husband’s boss and family at the show. The Lord Mayor and I do our Seal of Disapproval bit. I flip the skirt. We don’t get the laugh but a strange, pained face. Later my husband tells me backstage, his boss didn’t see the bootmark on my bum. He saw my bum instead!

I wanted to crawl into a hole because it was like mooning your sainted grandfather.  Needless to say, I put new elastic in my bloomers the very next day. ~ Lisa

Saved by Love Creations

Saved by Love Creations is the brainchild of my good friend, Johnnie.  Johnnie says, “I never imagined I would be a creative entrepreneur, or that I would be so in love with paper, polymer clay and repurposing!”  Her latest project is the amazing piece of mixed media art above entitled Home is Wherever I’m With You.  Be sure to check out her blog for tutorials for all ages! Oh, and her other blogs, Printable Decor and of course, Totally Green Crafts!

Two rival brands in the craft industry, we will call them A and B, are known for their competition with one another.  Brand A is particularly territorial.  Since the two companies are so neck in neck, and have similar products, I made the mistake of tagging company A in a tweet of a sponsored post for company B. 

I was promoting a friend’s blog post, and tagged her as well.  Soon after, I got a message from her explaining company A and B are not friends and I maybe shouldn’t tag one of them in promoting the other.

Um, yeah, I know.  Mistake.  Soooo embarrassing! ~ Johnnie

Be sure to take a moment and check out these wonderful blogs!  A bunch of great ladies, great ideas, awesome projects and a wide range of interests!
