It’s Watermelon Week here on the Sitcom! I challenged myself and 14 other creative bloggers to come up with watermelon projects and I am featuring three of them each day this week! Today is my tutorial for Sweet Watermelon Hand Towels!
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For this project I used:
2 white hand towels from the Dollar Store
RIT Liquid Dye in Apple Green
Felt in green, light green, hot pink and blue
Bird and Watermelon Pattern
Fabric Puff Paint in yellow and black
Pink Gemstones
Gemstone glue for fabric
Dying with liquid dye is easier than you think! These towels are cotton, so I made up a pan of hot water, added about 1/2 cup of liquid dye and a 1/2 cup of salt. Soak the towel in the dye bath until it is the color you would like. I soaked mine about 5 minutes. Rinse in cold water and squeeze out the excess water.
Hang towels to dry. For these towels I created a pattern of a bird and watermelon. You can download the pattern here: Bird and Watermelon Pattern.
Using the pattern, cut a green wedge of fabric the size of the whole watermelon for backing, and a light green strip and hot pink section following the lines of the pattern.
Cut out two blue felt birds using the pattern. Use fabric glue to tack the sections of watermelon together for easy sewing.
Pin all pieces down for sewing. You will want to get together some pink, green and blue thread.
Using the matching thread for each section, sew them down. I used the zigzag stitch for a neater look.
The final touch is to use black puff paint to paint the seeds and the bird’s eyes. Use the yellow puff paint to add the beak and feet for the bird.
And for a bit of bling, add some gemstones! I added pink gems using gemstone glue for fabrics.And there you have it! Watermelon hand towels perfect for summer decorating!
For over 100 more crafty tutorials for all ages, visit my Tutorial Page!