We will soon be living full time on our RV, so I have been looking at lots of creative ideas for storage. And that totally brings to mind the dogs. They do not seem to travel light, if you know what I mean. I wanted to give them a sweet little Valentine gift that would work well not only as storage, but look good at the same time.
And while hearts are incorporated, these fun containers can be used year round!
Ralph and Faith have both been good about this whole big change we have planned. They do well on RV trips and seem to be comfortable there. Which is good, because they have no idea that in just a few months, that RV will be their home!
In order to make the change less traumatic, I have been creating things that are just for them such as food dishes, Envelope dog beds, and even new sweaters in preparation for the cold weather in Maine! We want them to feel just as much at home as we do.
Isn’t this argyle sweater sweet? We found it in the Pet section at Walmart when we were looking for dog treats.
Of course, it would certainly be nice if they looked a bit more appreciative about those sweaters, don’t you think? They both look darn embarrassed. LOL!
(You have no idea how long it took me to stuff them into those sweaters..lots of growl-iness going on here).
Well, I guess I’ll make them a Valentine gift that they would really appreciate. Let’s make them treat jars! So, I dug around in my recycled container collection and pulled out a pickle jar and a holiday pretzel container. For this project, you can use any container that you like, but these seemed to work out well for my purposes.
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For this project I used:
1 pickle jar
1 plastic holiday pretzel container
Dog Treat Hearts and Bone Pattern
Colored Felt
6″ wide Burlap Ribbon
Black Embroidery Floss
Hot Glue
Ribbons in matching colors
Polymer Clay
Begin by using the pattern to cut your hearts and bones from colored felt. Since I was making two containers, I used a different color scheme for each.
Use hot glue to lightly tack the small heart to the large heart and the bone to the top. (Just a couple dots of glue on the bone so that you can easily do the embroidery stitches). Separate the strands of embroidery floss so that you have three strands to work with.
Attach the bone to the hearts using the Blanket Stitch. You can find a detailed tutorial here: Embroidery Stitch Guide
Here is the finished embroidered piece.