My husband and I left our corporate life two months ago, sold most everything we owned and set across the country in our motorhome to see what we could see. It was a major life change with the purpose of living our dreams, making our life simpler, and ultimately improving our health.
Currently in Maine, I was inspired this week by the local sea life and created a Lobster Zentangle Chalk Board with a free pattern for you!
This cute chalk board was made with a wooden plaque, chalkboard paint and sharpies! Fun to draw, and with the free pattern and instructions below, easy to recreate!
Just check out all that inspiration!
So let’s start creating!
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For this project I used:
Free Pattern: Lobster Under the Sea Illustration
Black Sharpies fine point and medium point
Charcoal pencil
9″ x 12″ wooden plaque
Black Chalkboard Paint
Begin by printing out the pattern. Use a charcoal pencil to color the backside of the pattern. Place it right side up onto the wooden plaque and then use a pencil to trace the pattern onto the plaque. The charcoal should transfer. (If it is easier for you, you can also use tracing paper). I simply traced the main outlines and filled in details later with sharpie pens.
Then grab your sharpies and start doodling!
The fun thing about zentangle is that there is no right or wrong way to doodle. Create patterns any way that you like!
I used a mixture of thick and thin sharpie points and drew until I was happy with the outcome.
Now fill in the center section with chalk board paint!
Ever work with chalk board paint? It is really easy! Simply paint the chalk board paint on in one direction. Allow to dry for one hour and then paint it on in the opposite direction. Finally, allow it to dry for 24 hours before going any further.
Next, we need to season the chalk board. Lay a piece of chalk on the side and chalk the areas of the board that you will be using. Then wipe them clean with a paper towel.
As you can see above, I decided to add in some more black contrast with sharpies in the top of the picture to balance out the drawing. I then added gemstones, gluing them on with white glue. (This of course is optional).
My pretty Lobster Zentangle Chalkboard is now ready for notes!
Want more doodle art?
Art on Rocks with Chalk Markers!
Doodle Peacock Frame- Free Pattern!
Easy to make Zentangle Jewelry
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