About a year ago, I was playing around with disposable aluminum pans and discovered that they can be embossed to create amazing works of art. I created Faux Tin Tiles, Enchanted Fish, Sleeping Mermaid, and The Winter Fairy. This week, I’m releasing a new FREE pattern of a Carousel Horse to all my Sitcom readers, along with a tutorial on how to emboss this new design!
This particular carousel horse has been in my head for a while now. I just needed to make the time to put it to paper.
You can use the pattern to create an embossed metal piece, or create something of your own. Some ideas for use would be:
Faux Stained Glass
Drawing in pen and ink
Batik with Crayons
Painting on Mirrors
Decorative Painting
Fabric Painting
For this project I used:
FREE Carousel Horse by Suzy Myers
1 aluminum disposable cookie sheet or disposable buffet lid*
Knitting needle, paintbrushes (for embossing)
Black spray primer for metal
Acrylic Metallic Paints
Black Acrylic Paint
*Unprinted disposable pans and buffet lids can be found at your local party supply store for just pennies.
**For a great video on this embossing technique, look here!
Begin by cutting the raised edges off the cookie sheet so that you have one large flat piece. Use the knitting needle to score 1/4 inch around all four sides. Clip the corners, and fold the metal back along the score line (this will create a smooth even edge for your picture)
Enlarge your pattern to the size that you want it. Place a towel on your table and lay the sheet of aluminum over it. Cover with your pattern and use the knitting needle to lightly score the pattern into the metal.
Use the knitting needle and the blunt end of your paintbrush to rub the pattern into the metal. The towel underneath gives you some play, but be careful not to push too hard. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Just emboss the design in the way that you would like.
You will notice that the cookie sheet that I am using has writing embedded on it. By flipping the project over and rubbing on the back, and then rubbing on the front, you can work the letters out of the metal to a flat finish.
Once the pattern is embossed to your satisfaction, it is time to prime it.
Use a flat black metal primer and spray the entire project. Allow to dry.
I chose metallic paint for this project. You will find that you may need more than one coat of paint. Paint using the colors that you prefer.
Finish up details by using black metallic paint to fill in the lines and bring the piece to life.
And there you go! A one of a kind metallic carousel horse! (This photo was taken in artificial lighting so that you can see the embossing a bit better).
Notice that there is no evidence of the previous embossed lettering across the saddle!
This photo was taken in natural light so that you can see the true colors of the piece. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
Want to try your hand at quilting? My newest quilt Pattern- Batiks Gone Wild! A great gift!
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